UNITY OF GAINESVILLE is a 501(c)(3) religious nonprofit organization supported and sustained by your freewill offerings. Your gifts and tithes to Unity of Gainesville are tax deductible. Remember to keep receipts as proof of your giving (for tax purposes).
Thank you for your generous contributions to our ministry. Rev. Joe Scholarship Fund
This fund was established to support our future leadership. It is named in memory of Unity of Gainesville's first minister, Rev. Joseph Bettencourt, who served from 1983 to 1989. He was leader of the Rose Prayer Centre, and was named "Minister Emeritus" until his passing in 2014. If you would like your donation to go toward this fund, please indicate your wishes when you make your donation. Click the Donate" button. God bless you! |
Unity of Gainesville Church provides loving sanctuary, spiritual support, and abundant educational, experiential, and service opportunities for all who come here seeking a positive connection with the Holy Spirit based on the practical principles of New Thought Christianity and Unity. All are welcome!
Sunday Worship Services at 11:00 AM
CLICK to read the Order of Service and Schedule of Speakers. In person services: Sanctuary. Masks are optional. Via Zoom meeting: Sanctuary Service only Sunday Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83209512373 Meeting ID: 832 0951 2373 No Password. There is a "waiting room" until service starts. One tap mobile +13052241968,,83209512373# US Livestreamed on YouTube: Sanctuary Service The Facebook Link for Sunday's Service will be available on the following Monday. Silent Unity Prayer Support 24/7
Do you have a prayer request? There are several ways to contact Silent Unity, the 24/7-prayer ministry: - Call: 1-800-NOW-PRAY (669-7729) - International: 01-816-969-2000 - uPray mobile prayer app (download available on link below) - Write: Silent Unity, 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO 64065-0001 - Use Silent Unity's online prayer request form: http://www.unity.org/prayer 'Portals' Bookstore open on Tue., Wed. & Thur. and Sundays before/after service.