Service Opportunities
Unity of Gainesville offers many opportunities to serve our Spiritual Community.
We believe in the four T's... Tithing of Time - Talent - and Treasure.
Please speak to a board member if you would like to serve.
We believe in the four T's... Tithing of Time - Talent - and Treasure.
Please speak to a board member if you would like to serve.
"I am on fire with a passion to serve!" - DAILY WORD Aug. 25, 2014
"When I'm attuned to Spirit, the desire to serve others is awakened in me. I am eager to express God through my thoughts, words, and deeds. As I wake up to Spirit's voice within me, I feel my heart expand in gratitude. I realize I am a vehicle through which God is revealed in the world.
"I ask Spirit how I can be of service. My heart is open and I am willing. I listen with a grateful heart and mind and act on the guidance I receive. As I share my gifts with passion, I awaken to all I am and all I have to give. The energy of Spirit within me is ignited. I am on fire with a passion to serve!"
"When I'm attuned to Spirit, the desire to serve others is awakened in me. I am eager to express God through my thoughts, words, and deeds. As I wake up to Spirit's voice within me, I feel my heart expand in gratitude. I realize I am a vehicle through which God is revealed in the world.
"I ask Spirit how I can be of service. My heart is open and I am willing. I listen with a grateful heart and mind and act on the guidance I receive. As I share my gifts with passion, I awaken to all I am and all I have to give. The energy of Spirit within me is ignited. I am on fire with a passion to serve!"
Building / Equipment:
Finance / Prosperity Committee:
- To hold the "High Watch" for Unity of Gainesville and to assist and support in financial decisions for the ministry, as needed.
Mission / Community Outreach:
- Provide community outreach activities within Gainesville.
- Monitor the outreach activities that we have: Bread of the Mighty Food Bank, "Pieces of Love," God Can.
- Consider other ways we might provide such outreach.
- Report to the board what activities are being provided and what is being considered.
The Bookstore Team assists with the operation of Unity's "Portals" bookstore where the latest New Thought spiritual books, CDs and Daily Word (among other items) are available for sale. Team members help customers with their purchases and assist in keeping the bookstore clean and organized. There is also a lending library and items for sale to make or add to your own altar.
Nominating Committee:
- As mandated in Bylaws, Article VI, Section 11 - (See page 10)
- Read the Bylaws on this website.
Public Relations:
- Ensure that events are promoted through a variety of media.
- Assist in enhancing promotional activities already established and explore additional means of promoting Unity of Gainesville Church.
Welcoming Team/ Hospitality / Cart Drivers:
- Support and help coordinate the activities, as needed, of these existing ministries.
- Provide services at special events (such as concerts, workshops, etc.), as needed.
- Develop a group of people willing to serve on Sundays (and at any special event where it is required) in providing refreshments, and events set-up and break-down.
"Welcoming Team" - This team welcomes people to church and collects/counts the offering.
They offer a greeting packet to first-time visitors.
They offer a greeting packet to first-time visitors.
"Hospitality" assists with setting up and cleaning up at potluck lunch on first-Sunday of the month "Friendship Sundays"; setting up snacks and refreshments on other Sundays and special events; and keeping the kitchen neat and tidy.
"Cart Drivers" assist people who might need (or like) a ride from the parking lot to the church door.
Must be over 16 and have a valid drivers license.
Worship / Platform / Music:
- Work with the minister, musician(s), and sound board personnel to coordinate all elements of worship for the Sunday service and other sacred services throughout the year.
The Sound & Lighting Team manages the soundboard, microphones, lighting, and projector for Sunday services, workshops and other special events. As with other teams, service is on a rotating schedule.
Youth and Family Education:
- Support the Youth Education Department
- In cooperation with other ministries (such as Mission/Community Outreach Ministry and Public Relations Ministry), explore ways to attract young people and families to Unity of Gainesville Church.
- Report on the activities of the Unikids, Uniteens, Y.O.U. (Youth of Unity), and N.G.U. (Next Generation Unity) to the board.
Gwen Lindsley, Director - Our youth enjoy lessons according to age group... Unikids (ages 4-10) - Uniteens (ages 11-13) - and Y.O.U. [Youth Of Unity] (ages 14-17). We also have a Nursery for Unitots (infants to age 3).
Ms. Gwen is always looking for those who are interested in the teaching and spiritual development of our youth. A background check is required. Your participation can be on a rotating basis. If you are interested in serving our youth, speak with Ms. Gwen before or after church services; email her at [email protected].
Ms. Gwen is always looking for those who are interested in the teaching and spiritual development of our youth. A background check is required. Your participation can be on a rotating basis. If you are interested in serving our youth, speak with Ms. Gwen before or after church services; email her at [email protected].