Deborah Haas Sylvester Obituary
Celebration of Deborah's life held at Unity of Gainesville
Saturday, March 9, 2019, at 2:00 p.m.
Deborah Haas Sylvester was a member of Unity of Gainesville Church and served as a prayer chaplain.
She was struck by a car while riding her bike on Thursday, February 21 and succumbed to her injuries on Sunday, February 24. Her donated organs will save the lives of three people. Due to the suddenness of her transition, her husband, George, and family are struggling to fulfill her wishes to be cremated. Jane Roy, Unity Board President and licensed Funeral Director, is overseeing those arrangements. If you would like to support Deborah's family, please donate on her Go Fund Me page. Any balance will be donated to an animal rescue shelter as Deborah loved her dogs and cats. |
Link to Obituary: